Nov. 2017 | new affiliation
We are now affiliated to the Pediatric Research Alliance of Atlanta and to the Center for Transplantation and Immune-mediated Disorders (CTID), under the leadership of Drs. Subra Kugathasan and Gregory Gibson (Georgia Tech). We are looking forward to meeting our new colleagues and engage in fruitful collaborations.
nov. 2017 | growing the family
We have a new team member! Dr. Astrid Kosters is joining our team as Research Technical Specialist. Astrid has held several academic positions prior to joining our lab. At Emory, she was an Instructor in the Department of Pediatrics, where she worked on the roles of nuclear receptors and transcriptional regulation in the context of liver disease. Welcome, Astrid!
sept. 2017 | teaching immunology
It was a pleasure meeting with the graduate students from the Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (GDBBS) at Emory Laney Graduate School. I taught the class The Innate Immune System: Macrophages as part of the course Concepts of Immunology.
June 2017 | ghosn lab under construction
It's official. I am very excited to be joining the faculty at Emory University Department of Medicine and Lowance Center for Human Immunology. The Ghosn Lab will be located in the new Health Sciences Research Building!
Dec. 2015 | San diego tribune
original research article:
Fetal hematopoietic stem cell transplantation fails to fully regenerate the B-lymphocyte compartment
dec. 2015 | Stanford medicine
original research articles:
Fetal hematopoietic stem cell transplantation fails to fully regenerate the B-lymphocyte compartment
Hematopoietic stem cell–independent B-1a lineage
june 2014 | merinoff congress
After a long hiatus of 23 years since the last B-1 Congress, Dr. Ghosn, together with Drs. Rothstein and Holodick (Western Michigan), co-organized the first international B-1 Congress that brought together more than 150 participants in New York to discuss new discoveries in B-1 cell biology. The congress featured eminent immunologists in the field of B cells and included a keynote address, the Herzenberg Lecture, by Dr. Klaus Rajewsky
april 2012 | pnas highlight
original research article:
Distinct B-cell lineage commitment distinguishes adult bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells